TX: Re-commitment of sex offenders in Texas is unfair

Sex offenders, especially child predators, are some of the most reviled people on Earth.

And because of the nature of their crimes, the public generally wants them put away for a long, long time.

The question is: What’s long enough? Full article

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Man this country is really going backwards quick as far as civil rights and equality goes. Our country tortures inprisons and completely tramples on peoples rights any time and in anyway possible. Did you know that police in CA can pull you over and even though you are perfectly legal they can arrest you impound your car and strap you to a board and forcefully take your blood simply if an officer thinks your on something. When that happened to me in 2006 I knew this isn’t the America I used to be proud of. Just in the last ten years our country regressed back at least 50 years. It’s really sad to see judges reverse everything people fought and died to protect. I really hope that somehow things will get better but if it don’t change soon then the whole world is heading for a real disaster.

People in authority swear to protect the Constitution, but they only protect the parts that they like. The parts of it that were supposed to protect the average person seem to be in abeyance.

Sinclair Lewis write a novel called, It Can’t Happen Here, which I recently read; it is about the imposition of fascism in America as the result of a perfectly legal vote. If he were writing the novel today, the title would be, It’s Here Now, Deal with It.

Those words child predator really bothers me. It’s a bs term being applied to almost everyone that’s been convicted of something against a so called child. That term if it should be used at all should apply to actual child predators who prey on prebuesent children not to men that had sex or attempted to have sex with sexually mature young females. It maybe illegal and morally wrong for a grown man to be sexually attracted to a young sexually mature female but it don’t make that guy a sexual predator of children. It’s bs man. A lot of people won’t agree with me but it is perfectly natural for a grown man to be attracted to a sexually mature female as soon as they become sexually mature. Just ask any physicologist and look at any animal species and that is how nature works its in our geans. Like I said it maybe illegal and considered morally wrong but to call someone a child predator for having sex with a sexually mature consenting female is bs and makes everyone look like a sexually deviant monster when they’re not.

The media keeps talking about “sex offenders” not mention what a “Sex offense is”, recall in texas a parental kidnapping case had a woman labeled a “Sex offender” even though the alledged crime was not-sexual and probably not really your typical “monster kidnapping case by a stranger”.